Numbers in the Dark


Numbers in the Dark is a collection of short stories covering the length of Italo Calvino’s extraordinary writing career, from when he was a teenager to shortly before his death


They include witty allegories and wise fables; a town where everything has been forbidden apart from the game of tip-cat; a pitiable tribe watching the flight paths of guided missiles from outside their mud huts; a computer programmer considering the possible sequence of a series of brutal acts; and dialogues with Henry Ford, a Neanderthal and the gloomy, overthrown Montezuma …


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Numbers in the Dark is a collection of short stories covering the length of Italo Calvino’s extraordinary writing career, from when he was a teenager to shortly before his death


They include witty allegories and wise fables; a town where everything has been forbidden apart from the game of tip-cat; a pitiable tribe watching the flight paths of guided missiles from outside their mud huts; a computer programmer considering the possible sequence of a series of brutal acts; and dialogues with Henry Ford, a Neanderthal and the gloomy, overthrown Montezuma …


Publisher: Penguin Modern Classics



ISBN: 9780141189741