After Time


After civilization as we know it ends in a nuclear war, triggered by pursuit of black gold, mankind is given a fresh start. The thrones of power are void and unclaimed. Survivors crawl out from the darkness where they hid to wait out the aftermath of the disaster, grasping at all the hopes and opportunities above the ruins of the corrupted world. A second chance for humanity to prove itself.


From semi-primitive settlements to architectural marvels, the homo-civilis sure is a master at survival. But as they breathe their new lives, greed pulses in their heartbeats. Their inner demons never cease to feed on power and riches, and this was the same curse that befell their ancestors.


After Time witnesses the dawn of this new stronghold of humanity in fragments of tales, like a folklore. An ambitious commoner and a greedy royalty. A blind seer and a prodigal young genius. A murderous advisor, cunning princes, and kings who fall for their own machinations. A warrior blinded by love, and warlord who wields greed as his sword. Rulers so fearful of knowledge, they doom their people to illiteracy. Trails of blood, lust and intrigue trickle through each chapter, building up to a massive tidal wave that will eventually drag the empire to its knees, paving the way for a better generation to carry the torch of human civilization.


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After civilization as we know it ends in a nuclear war, triggered by pursuit of black gold, mankind is given a fresh start. The thrones of power are void and unclaimed. Survivors crawl out from the darkness where they hid to wait out the aftermath of the disaster, grasping at all the hopes and opportunities above the ruins of the corrupted world. A second chance for humanity to prove itself.


From semi-primitive settlements to architectural marvels, the homo-civilis sure is a master at survival. But as they breathe their new lives, greed pulses in their heartbeats. Their inner demons never cease to feed on power and riches, and this was the same curse that befell their ancestors.


After Time witnesses the dawn of this new stronghold of humanity in fragments of tales, like a folklore. An ambitious commoner and a greedy royalty. A blind seer and a prodigal young genius. A murderous advisor, cunning princes, and kings who fall for their own machinations. A warrior blinded by love, and warlord who wields greed as his sword. Rulers so fearful of knowledge, they doom their people to illiteracy. Trails of blood, lust and intrigue trickle through each chapter, building up to a massive tidal wave that will eventually drag the empire to its knees, paving the way for a better generation to carry the torch of human civilization.


Publisher: Penguin Random House SEA



ISBN: 9789815017793