Far Eastern Tales

“Far Eastern Tales” is a collection of short stories which have never before appeared together. They are all born of his experience in Malaya, Singapore and other outposts of the former British Empire. Whether portraying a ship-borne flight from a lover’s curse, murder in the jungle or the remembered East of a repatriate’s suburban home, they all reveal Maugham at his best – sometimes caustic, sometimes gently comic, but always the shrewd and human judge of character and soul.


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“Far Eastern Tales” is a collection of short stories which have never before appeared together. They are all born of his experience in Malaya, Singapore and other outposts of the former British Empire. Whether portraying a ship-borne flight from a lover’s curse, murder in the jungle or the remembered East of a repatriate’s suburban home, they all reveal Maugham at his best – sometimes caustic, sometimes gently comic, but always the shrewd and human judge of character and soul.


Publisher: Vintage Classics



ISBN: 9780099282846