Riverrun is a rite-of-passage novel on the life of Danilo Cruz, a young gay man who
grows up in a colourful and chaotic military dictatorship in the Philippines. Shaped
like a memoir, it glides from childhood to young adulthood in chapters written like
flash fiction and vignettes, along with a recipe for shark meat, a feature article,
extracts from a poem and vivid songs. It can be classified as literary fiction, that is
nevertheless accessible to the general reader.
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Riverrun is a rite-of-passage novel on the life of Danilo Cruz, a young gay man who
grows up in a colourful and chaotic military dictatorship in the Philippines. Shaped
like a memoir, it glides from childhood to young adulthood in chapters written like
flash fiction and vignettes, along with a recipe for shark meat, a feature article,
extracts from a poem and vivid songs. It can be classified as literary fiction, that is
nevertheless accessible to the general reader.
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 9789814882866