Biopiracy Watch: A Compilation Of Some Recent Cases (2013)


The biopiracy of genetic resources including seeds, medicinal plants and microbes, as well as of the traditional knowledge of uses of those resources from developing countries, has been going on for too long.

There was hope that the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity would reduce, even prevent, biopiracy and further ensure that the benefits from the utilisation of genetic resources will be shared fairly and equitably with the countries, indigenous peoples and local communities concerned. The Convention being inadequate since it came into force in 1994, several years of new negotiations resulted in the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing to the Convention in 2010. In the meantime, biopiracy is unabated.

This compilation of recent papers on biopiracy published by Third World Network describes cases that span the developing world, from African and Middle Eastern medicinal plants to South American fruit, to Asian microbes, among others.


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The biopiracy of genetic resources including seeds, medicinal plants and microbes, as well as of the traditional knowledge of uses of those resources from developing countries, has been going on for too long.

There was hope that the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity would reduce, even prevent, biopiracy and further ensure that the benefits from the utilisation of genetic resources will be shared fairly and equitably with the countries, indigenous peoples and local communities concerned. The Convention being inadequate since it came into force in 1994, several years of new negotiations resulted in the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing to the Convention in 2010. In the meantime, biopiracy is unabated.

This compilation of recent papers on biopiracy published by Third World Network describes cases that span the developing world, from African and Middle Eastern medicinal plants to South American fruit, to Asian microbes, among others.


Publisher: Third World Network



ISBN: 9789675412875