Manglish: Malaysian English At Its Wackiest


If you want to understand better what Malaysians are saying to you in English, this is the book for you. As the title suggests, English in Malaysia gets mangled with corruptions of English words and words from Malay, various Chinese dialects, Tamil and other languages that contribute to Malaysia’s multicultural pot purri. You’ll find every thing here from ‘norchet’ meaning ‘not yet’ to ‘kiasu’ meaning competitive or afraid to lose.


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If you want to understand better what Malaysians are saying to you in English, this is the book for you. As the title suggests, English in Malaysia gets mangled with corruptions of English words and words from Malay, various Chinese dialects, Tamil and other languages that contribute to Malaysia’s multicultural pot purri. You’ll find every thing here from ‘norchet’ meaning ‘not yet’ to ‘kiasu’ meaning competitive or afraid to lose.


Publisher: Times Books International



ISBN: 9789812049377